Results for 'Nasho V. Jorgaqi'

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  1.  8
    Antologji e mendimit estetik shqiptar: 1504-1944.Nasho V. Jorgaqi (ed.) - 1979 - Tiranë: Shtëpia Botuese "Naim Frashëri".
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    Existuje vôbec jediná časová línia tiahnuca sa priamo až k veľkému tresku?Robert Burgan - 2011 - E-Logos 18 (1):1-36.
    V prvej časti príspevku s názvom Čas sa najprv na základe známeho textu Aurélia Augustína Vyznania vymedzujú hlavné problémy spojené s určovaním času, jeho reálnosťou, pretržitosťou, merateľnosťou atď. V druhej časti s názvom Veľký tresk sa uvádzajú rôzne vymedzenia tejto veľmi špecifickej udalosti, ktorá by mala byť počiatkom všetkého, čo skúmame a čím žijeme; najprv tie tradičné, kedy sa veľký tresk chápe ako explodujúca singularita a biela diera, a potom aj tie novšie, kedy prestáva byť absolútnym počiatkom vesmíru a stáva (...)
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    Analýza populizmu podľa Ernesta Laclaua.Barbara Biháryová - 2018 - Studia Philosophica 65 (1-2):63-79.
    Populizmus dnes predstavuje často skloňovaný pojem tak na akademickej pôde, ako i na samotnej politickej scéne, v médiách a medzi laickou verejnosťou. Skutočnosťou je, že hoci v našej spoločnosti tento pojem používa takmer každý, len málokto vie, čo vlastne znamená. V tomto článku sa preto budeme zaoberať otázkou, ktorá sa stala predmetom analýz mnohých teoretikov, otázkou, čo je to populizmus. Jedným z tých teoretikov je Ernesto Laclau (1935–2014), ktorý populizmus nechápe ako ideológiu, ale ako istú stratégiu resp. spôsob komunikácie. V (...)
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    K niektor› M aspektom vzniku analytickej filozofie.Ladislav Kvasz - 2004 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 11 (1):32-41.
    Cieľom článku je osvetliť niektoré historické okolnosti vzniku analytickej filozofie. Prvou z nich je zrod novovekej fyziky, ktorý viedol k rozšíreniu nového, empirického prístupu ku skutočnosti. Snažíme sa ukázať úlohu, ktorú v procese vzniku novovekej fyziky zohrala scholastická filozofia spolu s kartezianizmom. Ďalšia časť state objasňuje niektoré aspekty subjektivizmu, ktorý zohral významnú úlohu v novovekej filozofii. V jadre subjektivizmu leží podľa nášho názoru dezinterpretácia Descartovej filozofie. Prekonanie subjektivizmu analytickou filozofiou možno potom interpretovať ako návrat na miesto, na ktorom Descartes pôvodne (...)
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    (1 other version)Some uses of dilators in combinatorial problems.V. Michele Abrusci - 1989 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 29 (2):85-109.
  6. Kont︠s︡pt︠s︡ii urovneĭ v sovremennom nauchnom poznanii.V. I. Kori︠u︡kin - 1991 - Sverdlovsk: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, Uralʹskoe otd-nie.
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  7. Teoreticheskie problemy gosudarstvennosti i prava v politiko-pravovykh uchenii︠a︡kh XVII--nachala XX v.S. V. Lipenʹ - 2011 - Minsk: Akademii︠a︡ MVD. Edited by V. V. Lazarev.
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    Razvivai︠u︡shchee obrazovanie.V. P. Zinchenko (ed.) - 2002 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ povyshenii︠a︡ kvalifikat︠s︡ii i perepodgotovki rabotnikov obrazovanii︠a︡.
    t. 1. Dialog s V. V. Davydovym -- t. 2. Nereshennye problemy razvivai︠u︡shchego obrazovanii︠a︡.
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    Une théorie aristotélicienne de la lumière du XVIIe siècle.V. Zoubov - 1936 - Isis 24 (2):343-360.
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    Pora: (vremi︠a︡-bytie).V. V. Bibikhin - 2015 - Sankt-Peterburg: Vladimir Dalʹ.
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    Socio-cultural and philosophical-legal dimensions of the gender identity problem.V. S. Blikhar, I. M. Zharovska & I. O. Lychenko - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:58-72.
    Purpose. Based on the comparative analysis of the European and post-Soviet countries, the purpose of the article is to study one of the manifestations of gender discrimination, namely the problem of gender equality in the sphere of labor. It involves the consistent solution to the following tasks: a) to emphasize the basic principles of gender international and legal policy; b) to reflect the praxeological dimension of providing the equal social and economic opportunities for men and women at current level; c) (...)
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  12. Dialektika obʺektivnogo i subʺektivnogo v uslovii︠a︡kh razvitogo sot︠s︡ializma.M. V. Romanenko - 1981 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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  13. Sudby Rossiĭskogo samopoznanii︠a︡: (P.I︠A︡. Chaadaev i N.V. Gogolʹ): monografii︠a︡.L. V. Shcheglova - 2000 - Volgograd: Izd-vo "Peremena".
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  14. Iz istorii ėsteticheskoĭ mysli drevnosti.V. F. Berestnev & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1961
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  15. Sankaracaryas' Argument From Sruti.V. K. Bharadvaja - 2001 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 28 (2):201-214.
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  16. (1 other version)Mir: kurs, prochitannyĭ na Filosofskom fakulʹtete MGU vesnoĭ 1989 goda.V. V. Bibikhin - 1995 - Tomsk: Izd-vo "Vodoleĭ".
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  17. Iz istorii ideĭnykh iskaniĭ ėpokhi nemet︠s︡koĭ klassicheskoĭ filosofii.V. M. Boguslavskiĭ & V. A. Zhuchkov (eds.) - 1985 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii AN SSSR.
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    Semantika i︠a︡zyka i rechi: mezhvuzovskiĭ nauchnyĭ sbornik.V. V. Bogdanov & R. M. Gaĭsina (eds.) - 1991 - Ufa: Bashkirskiĭ universitet.
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    The problem of state countering extremism: world and Russian experience.V. V. Borisenkov - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
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    Stanovlenie filosofii kulʹtury Lʹva Shestova: monografii︠a︡.V. V. Bulanov - 2012 - Tverʹ: Tverskoĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  21. Trialog: Razgovor Pervyĭ ob ėstetike, sovremennom iskusstve i krizise kulʹtury.V. V. Bychkov - 2007 - Moskva: Institut filosofii RAN. Edited by N. B. Manʹkovskai︠a︡ & Vladimir Ivanov.
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    About existential motives in K. marx’s philosophy.V. Y. Bystrov & S. I. Dudnik - 2018 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):397-406.
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    Counting in Mentally Retarded Adolescents.V. Cantos & F. Freeman - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov, Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 12--63.
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  24. Il concetto di natura.V. Cappelletti - 1987 - Studium 83 (4-5):483-496.
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  25. Iliad. By Homer.V. Castellani - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):662-662.
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  26. Humanistic interpretation (basic methodology in social sciences).V. Cernik - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (9):641-650.
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    Quantitative evaluation of nanotube content produced by arc discharge in a raw material.V. Contini, R. Mancini, R. Marazzi, D. Mirabile Gattia & M. Vittori Antisari - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (7):1123-1137.
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    Discours de la méthode: Nouv. éd., publiée avec une introd. et des notes par T.V. Charpentier.Rene Descartes & T. V. Charpentier - 1910 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  29. Smysloobrazui︠u︡shchai︠a︡ rolʹ arkhetipicheskikh znacheniĭ v literaturnom tekste: posobie po spet︠s︡kursu.I︠U︡. V. Domanskiĭ - 1999 - Tverʹ: Tverskoĭ gos. universitet.
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  30. Mify o mirozdanii: vselennai︠a︡ v religiozno-mifologicheskikh predstavlenii︠a︡kh.V. V. Evsi︠u︡kov - 1986 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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    Vladimir alexandrovich Smirnov as a founder of research schools in logic and methodology of science in the USSR and russia.V. K. Finn - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (2):205-213.
    The article gives a short account of V.A. Smirnovs scientific biography, including his work in Tomsk University in Siberia and in the Department of Logic of the Institute of Philosophy in Moscow.
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  32. The Omnipresent Debate Empiricism and Transcendentalism in Nineteenth-Century English Prose /Wendell V. Harris. --. --.Wendell V. Harris - 1981 - Northern Illinois University Press, C1981.
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    A History of the Theories of Aether and ElectricityEdmund Whittaker.V. Lenzen - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):293-294.
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    L'évolution de la notion de phénomène physique, des primitifs à Bohr et Louis de Broglie. Jean Pelseneer.V. Lenzen - 1948 - Isis 39 (3):194-196.
  35. Vremi︠a︡, risk i li︠u︡bovʹ v vosprii︠a︡tii sovremennoĭ molodezhi: monografii︠a︡.L. V. Makeeva - 2007 - Samara: Samarskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet.
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  36. K. Marks, F. Ėngelʹs i levoe gegelʹi︠a︡nstvo.V. A. Malinin & V. I. Shinkaruk - 1986 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka. Edited by V. I. Shinkaruk.
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    Subʺektnostʹ i ischislitelʹnostʹ v i︠a︡zyke: monografii︠a︡.N. V. Malʹchukova - 2008 - Irkutsk: Irkutskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  38. Economic disparity, a philosophic response.V. Manimala - 1995 - Journal of Dharma 20 (1):94-103.
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    Hierarchy of equations for the surface tension of solids.V. A. Marichev - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (33):3037-3047.
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    The Biblical Flood: A Case Study of the Church's Response to Extrabiblical Evidence. Davis A. Young.V. Marston - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):146-147.
  41. Il pensiero moderno: crisi dello statuto ontologico della persona.V. Mathieu - 1995 - Studium 91 (4-5):569-576.
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  42. The Olympic Games.V. J. Matthews - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (02):297-.
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    Metafizika vlasti: metodologicheskie istoki i podkhody.V. N. Pervushina - 2006 - Moskva: Sputnik+. Edited by K. S. Zmushko.
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    Condensation coefficients in metal vapour deposition.V. N. E. Robinson & J. L. Robins - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (6):1419-1423.
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  45. Metodologii︠a︡ i metody nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡ v uslovii︠a︡kh nauchno-tekhnicheskoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii.V. S. Ti︠u︡khtin & A. F. Faĭzullaev (eds.) - 1986 - Tashkent: Izd-vo "Fan" Uzbekskoĭ SSR.
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    (4 other versions)Noticias de Libros.V. V. Aa - 2023 - Isidorianum 7 (14):635-640.
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    Fertility decline; no mystery.V. D. Abernethy - 2002 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 2:1-11.
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    Lambek’s Syntactic Calculus and Noncommutative Variants of Linear Logic: Laws and Proof-Nets.V. Michele Abrusci & Claudia Casadio - 2021 - In Claudia Casadio & Philip J. Scott, Joachim Lambek: The Interplay of Mathematics, Logic, and Linguistics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-37.
    This work is devoted to the relations between Lambek’s Syntactic Calculus and noncommutative variants of Girard’s Linear Logic; in particular the paper will consider: the geometrical representation of the laws of LC by means of proof-nets; the discovery - due to such a geometrical representation - of some laws of LC not yet considered; the discussion of possible linguistic uses of these new laws.
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    New Perspectives in Logic and Formal Linguistics: Proceedings of the Vth Roma Workshop.V. Michele Abrusci & Claudia Casadio - 2002
  50. Teoreticheskai︠a︡ i prikladnai︠a︡ semantika: paradigmatika i sintagmatika i︠a︡zykovykh edinit︠s︡: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. P. Abramov (ed.) - 2002 - Krasnodar: Kubanskiĭ gos. universitet.
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